
Dinner, Grilling, Uncategorized

Brined Chicken

Brining chicken before you grill it – especially on a charcoal grill – makes all the difference in the world. It makes so much of a difference that my 5 year old niece declared it the best chicken ever, and that she would eat it all herself. To her credit, she had thirds, and she […]

Dinner, Italian, Light

Mussels alla Diavola

I recently went to the allergist to find out exactly what shellfish I had to stay away from, and I got easily some of the best news of my life: I can eat anything but shrimp, lobster and crab. Since I’ve never had anything but shrimp, I’m on a mission to try it all. So […]

Comfort Food, Dinner, Healthy, Indian, Light

Chicken Korma

Korma describes a curry dish, often with dried fruit and nuts, that’s braised. I wouldn’t describe this dish as a curry through. The sauce is brothy and light. The flavors are reminiscent of curry, but unique to this dish. I can’t necessarily compare it to anything else, and based on my research, ‘korma’ is the […]

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