This chicken dish is simple and easy to make. But the best part is how it will blow your mind, and you’ll think about it for days. You could substitute white wine for the vermouth, but don’t if you have it. Also, there’s no such thing as too much garlic or too many shallots. 8 […]
Nicoise Style Salad
It’s not always easy to prepare a healthy, light, and satisfying dinner, especially on a weeknight. (It’s further compounded when you’re a carbohydrate loving Italian girl.) Tonight Todd went to the grocery store, and unbeknown to him, came back with the extra ingredients for a Nicoise salad. As it happens, I do not care for […]
Ratatouille & Brie Sandwich
I am so excited because I just perfected the ratatouille sandwich from Toronto! As promised, here’s the recipe. This recipe is great because it is so multi-purpose. I made the ratatouille last night to have as a side with the most amazing ribs, which left most of ratatouille for these sandwiches the next day. Choose […]
The Best Sandwich I Ever Ate…
Last weekend I went to Toronto, and as it turns out, I found the perfect sandwich. Our first full day in Toronto was a little crazy, and we needed to find a late lunch. We wandered into a little French cafe – Jules Bistro – and I knew it was going to be good – it […]
How I Met Julia Child
I have to introduce my debut newspaper article by admitting that I cannot pronounce the name of this dish, Paupiettes du Boeuf. However, I take solace in the fact that Nancy Stohs, the food editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, cannot either. You can find my article, as well as more pictures of the process and fellow […]