Monday night turned into a much longer experiment than I thought. While at work, during lunch, of course, I had a brilliant idea: “Make a quiche for dinner! It is inexpensive (a huge consideration at this point in my life) and I have the ingredients in the fridge. I would use milk, so it was lower in fat, sauteed onions, spinach, crimini mushrooms and mozzarella cheese. Perfect!” So, I told Todd my plan, promising a delicious, cheep and quick dinner, to which he agreed.
I set to work at about 5:15 p.m. I was so convinced that I had oodles of time that I chose to photograph my progress. According to the recipe I had chosen (which I did not follow, except for the volume of milk) it baked in the oven for 25 – 30 minutes. I was so close to dinner!
At 25 minutes, I had egg puddle.
At 30 minutes, I had egg puddle.
At 40 minutes, I had egg goo.
At 50 minutes, I was starving to death and trying to keep Todd out of the fridge.
At 65 minutes, I had quiche!
(Did I mention that it is now 7:15 p.m., and the moment I got home from work I took Benedryl because my allergies were so bad that I couldn’t take it any more. So, at this point I am ready for bed, doped up on Benedryl, and could give a damn about the @*&!^%$* quiche.)
The moral of the story is, the quiche was good. We decided not as good as it could be, but a solid first try. I am going to try it again, seasoned more aggressively. I hope you’ll stay tuned to the Adventures in Quiche.