Author: Vivacious Chef


Looking forward to bad weather . . .

Since the weather here in Milwaukee is terrible – we’re talking 44 degrees, wind, and rain – I intend to stay inside all weekend cooking and reading; I hope to have a new batch of recipes ready for posting. We’re not that far into fall, and I have already exhausted my favorites, including Roasted Squash […]


The Best Vacation Ever

(Haiga Sophia, Istanbul) The best vacation ever was also the best honeymoon ever, which was preceded by the best wedding ever. (I may be biased.) Part of the best honeymoon ever was the cooking class during our stay in Istanbul, Turkey. The first thing people do is crinkle their face, and say, “Istanbul? What made […]

Dinner, Side Dish, Vegetables, Vegetarian

The Best Potatoes

I’m not sure what to call these delicious nuggets of potato heaven, but they are so good I’m not sure they need a name. Any reference to “those potatoes you made that one time,” will automatically populate this recipe in my brain. It’s simple, really. Boil whole, unpeeled, fingerling potatoes in liberally salted water* until […]

Commentary, Dinner, French

How I Met Julia Child

I have to introduce my debut newspaper article by admitting that I cannot pronounce the name of this dish, Paupiettes du Boeuf. However, I take solace in the fact that Nancy Stohs, the food editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, cannot either. You can find my article, as well as more pictures of the process and fellow […]

Dinner, Italian

Gouda & Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken

This dish is so sinful, no one will believe that it’s not bad for you. I adapted this from a health food cookbook! It is really good served with some sauteed asparagus. Ingredients: 1½ lbs. Chicken breasts (3) 2 c. Buttermilk (use more if necessary to cover) 3 slices Prosciutto 3 slices Smoked Gouda cheese […]

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