
Dinner, Italian

The Perfect Sentiment

My little sister just sent an email to the editors of Glamour magazine that I had to share here. What’s the relevance? A  significant contributing factor to the development of my love of food. I just want to share my family’s story about a particular Glamour magazine article, and say thank you for many happy […]

Dinner, Easy, Grilling, Healthy, Light

Chicken Two Ways

Lately I’ve been dissatisfied with the standard chicken breast – everything I had been trying didn’t impress me. I’d have a few bites, sure, but out of guilt for being wasteful. Of course I’m a leftover queen, but there’s only so many things you can do: chicken salad, chicken on a salad,  fajitas, paninis . […]

Comfort Food, Dinner, Italian, Vegetarian

Pumpkin Lasagna

This dish is perfect for fall – rich, hearty, and full of pumpkin flavor. If you’re not a pumpkin lover, feel free to substitute butternut squash. Prepare it exactly the same way as the pumpkin; it also compliments the sage. I recommend preparing the pumpkin at least a day before you want to serve the […]

Dinner, French, Healthy, Light, Lunch, Salad

Nicoise Style Salad

It’s not always easy to prepare a healthy, light, and satisfying dinner, especially on a weeknight. (It’s further compounded when you’re a carbohydrate loving Italian girl.) Tonight Todd went to the grocery store, and unbeknown to him, came back with the extra ingredients for a Nicoise salad. As it happens, I do not care for […]

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